Student Attendance
School attendance.
- Schooling is compulsory for those aged from 6-17 years unless an exemption from attendance or enrolment has been granted.
- Daily school attendance is important for all children and young people to succeed in education and to ensure they don't fall behind both socially and developmentally.
- Regular attendance at school and completion of Year 12 or an equivalent qualification contributes to better health outcomes and improved employment opportunities. It is important that children develop habits of regular attendance at an early age.
- Everyday Counts
- Attendance patterns are established early
- Parents have a legal obligation to send their child to school
- Each missed day is associated with progressively lower achievement in numeracy, writing and reading
Advising of a Student Absence
- If your child cannot attend school you must advise the school before 10:00am:
- Phone: 9702 1466
- Email:
- Via Notified Absence in 'PAM' or the 'Simon Everywhere' app
- Notification via the school website or SZapp
Principals have an obligation to determine if the excuse given is reasonable in terms of parents meeting their legal obligation.
- Schools are required to contact parents (or emergency contacts where parents cannot be contacted) on the day of absence if there has been no advice from parents.
- This is done in two ways:
- Text via SMS, and then (if no response)
- Phone call
Extended Absence

If an extended absence is needed (eg travel overseas, etc):
- Parents need to make a request in writing to the Principal
- If deemed genuine and leave is approved, a letter confirming the approval by the Principal will be sent to the parent
- In the interest of maximising student learning, requesting extended student absence for family holidays is to be avoided and isnot advised.
Top Attendance Tips for Parents
- Schools want to work in partnership with parents – act early if you have any concerns by contacting your child’s school and asking for advice and support
- Remember that every day counts
- There is no safe number of days for missing school – each day a student misses puts them behind, and can affect their educational outcomes and their social connectedness
- Talk positively about school and the importance of attending every day
- Open and prompt communication with your child’s school about all absences is a good idea
- Avoid making routine medical and dental appointments during the school day or planning family holidays during the term
- Seek help from your school if you are concerned about your child’s attendance and wellbeing. Schools want to work in partnership with parents to support student attendance and wellbeing.