Religious Education - Catholic Identity

I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.  John 10:10

Religious Education highlights a distinctive and an important feature of our identity as a Catholic school. Through the Religious Education program, our students are invited in a special way to grow in awareness of themselves, life’s meaning and in relationship with their God and others.   Each individual has a personal story that colours what they question, the answers they seek, the possibilities they see, and the ways they come to know truth. 

Whilst we provide a lived example of the Catholic faith and tradition, our hope is that all students, regardless of faith background, learn more about themselves and their place in the world.  Through this we welcome difference and diversity, not just out of a sense of respect for others but also as a way to know ourselves more deeply in relation to God.  By seeking out the deep questions of the world, we do so not just to critique our own beliefs, but also to come to a deeper and more meaningful place within the Catholic faith.

Through the Diocesan Religious Education Curriculum, To Live in Christ Jesus, St Catherine’s aims to:

  • Develop a love of God  IMG_2671.jpeg
  • Develop a love of self
  • Encourage an engagement with the Christian community

Prayer Life

The development of the value of prayer is an important part of educating young Christian people.  This is easier to achieve when children experience prayer in the home environment as well.  Care is taken to ensure that children will be encouraged and led to an appreciation and practice of prayer in such a way that they feel free to develop at their own pace and in their own way.

At the centre of the Catholic community is the celebration of the Eucharist.  It is from the Eucharist that we remember the life and message of Jesus, which nourishes the way which each Christian lives this out in their own life.  On particular occasions, opportunity is provided for our students to celebrate the liturgical life of our faith including Mass.  Parents are most welcome to attend all school liturgies.

Sacramental Program

The St Michael’s Sacramental Program, in line with Diocesan policy, is Family centred, Parish based and School supported.

Whilst the Sacramental Program is part of the Prep to Year 6 curriculum, specific emphasis is given in Year 4 to Reconciliation and Eucharist and Year 6 to Confirmation.  Class programs also work in closely with the seasons of the Church and special Feast Days.