Learning and Teaching
As a Catholic school, we are an integral part of the mission of the Catholic Church and believe in the intrinsic value of each individual student. The teachers of St Catherine's recognise the need to know their students and to continually develop their own practice as they work together to promote the educational opportunities for all students.

Within this inclusive and culturally responsive landscape, St Catherine’s endeavours to provide an effective education for all students and a welcoming environment for families. We are continually committed to focusing our energy on creating a positive and inclusive school environment in which teaching strategies are directly aimed at supporting student learning.
St Catherine’s learning an teaching program is underpinned by the aims of the Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Limited:
At St Catherine’s School, we are dedicated to the holistic development of every child. With a focus on every student reaching their potential, we are committed to the academic growth and progress of our students.
St Catherine’s Primary School ensures that curriculum development enacts the Victorian Curriculum to maximise learning opportunities and ensure growth for all students.
St Catherine’s has a vision of learning that all members of staff are actively responsible to live by. Our goals are:
- Pedagogy is contemporary
- All learning is personalised
- Create, lead and foster a professional learning culture
At St Catherine’s School, we seek to prepare our students for their future by teaching them to be critical and creative problem solvers, who can work collaboratively with others to achieve shared goals. Teachers plan, assess and report according to the standards of the Victorian Curriculum and adjust their teaching in order to ensure that all students enjoy access to the full curriculum.
The focus of learning for students is on Religious Education, English, Mathematics, The Arts, Health and Physical Education and the Personal and Social capabilities, with students having the opportunity to explore Science and the Humanities through an inquiry based approach.